Gyn. Op. Dr. Şevket Alptürk was born in K.Kaymaklı, Nicosia in 1959. After graduating from Faculty of Medicine, Ankara University in 1983, he received the title of specialist by studying in Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara University for 5 years between 1984 and 1989. In the meantime, he completed trainings in fields of Gynecological and Obstetric Ultrasonography, Gynecological Endoscopy, Micro-Surgery and Colposcopy. In 2001, he became a specialist in in vitro fertilization by specializing in In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer Techniques in Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara University. His articles have been published in several domestic and foreign medical journals. He is married with 2 sons. Currently, he has been conducting treatments for gynecological diseases, infertility and in vitro fertilization with all members of his team under Doğuş Hospital which he founded in 1991 and which is still his center.

Our Center has been equipped elaborately and is at your service with its team of experts.


Certificates of Dr. Şevket Alptürk:

1.Microsurgery Certificate; Faculty of Medicine, Ankara University.

  1. Family Planning Certificate;.
  2. Obstetric Gynecological Ultrasonography Certificate; Faculty of Medicine, Ankara University.
  3. Gynecological Colposcopy and Cryosurgery Certificate; Faculty of Medicine, Ankara University.
  4. Participation Certificate for “May 8th World Thalassemia Day” Current Treatment Methods in Hemoglobinopathy
  5. Cyprus Turkish Medical Association membership certificate.
  6. National Gynecological and Obstetric Convention Participation Certificate.
  7. Participation Certificate Regarding Medical Training Meeting on Obstetric and Gynecological Innovations held by Turkish Health and Treatment Foundation.
  8. Certificate of Expertise by Republic of Turkey Ministry of Public Health and Welfare.
  9. Gynecological Endoscopy Certificate; Faculty of Medicine, Ankara University.


Interests of Dr. Şevket Alptürk:

The practices that I have encountered the most and in which I have specialized are as follows: