Cyprus Abortion – Abortion Prices – Abortion Center Cyprus

What is Abortion?

Abortion is ending of the pregnancy. Abortion is legal in our country in pregnancies up to week 10. Generally, the pregnancy week that is calculated from the date of latest menstrual period and the pregnancy week calculated through ultrasound match. Sometimes people are not accurate about the date of their latest menstrual period or they accept the date when they find out they are pregnant as the starting date of pregnancy and this may cause inconsistency in terms of week of pregnancy. The week that is calculated as a result of the ultrasound control conducted by the doctor is taken as basis.

In case of Abortion Procedure in Cyprus;

  • Spouse of the married woman must give consent to intervention.
  • In young girls aged under 18 years, her mother or father must give consent to the intervention.
  • It is enough for unmarried women who are aged over 18 years to give consent themselves.

Under above-mentioned conditions, it is a contemporary right for women in our country to end unintended pregnancies as per law.


Before and After Cyprus Abortion Procedure

1. Taking Appointment:

Patient must take appointment for evaluation before abortion. In this appointment, patient will be examined and provided with information as to the procedure.


2. Examination and Information:

After the week of pregnancy is determined through ultrasound in our hospital, you will be informed of the date and time for abortion procedure unless it violates the law. As abortion is performed under general anesthesia, patient should not eat or drink anything orally 6 hours before the procedure. The fact that procedure is performed under general anesthesia is convenient for both patient and the doctor.


3. Procedures Carried Out in the Hospital:

When you go to the hospital, you will complete your registration in the reception and afterwards, you will be taken to your room. After preparations are completed in the room as required, you will be taken to the intervention room and following the light anesthesia administered by the anesthesia doctor, Dr. Şevket Alptürk will perform the abortion operation through vacuum.

After you are put to sleep on the gynecological table that is called intervention table, the device that is named as speculum is inserted into the vagina. Cervix is cleaned. Subsequently, Karman cannula that is determined depending on the week of pregnancy is inserted into the uterine. Special vacuum that is attached onto the rear part of this tube that is named as Karman cannula enables the doctor to empty the gestational sac. This procedure last 3 to 7 minutes depending on the week of pregnancy.

After the procedure is finished, they wait for you to regain consciousness in the operating room and then you are taken to your room on a stretcher.

After you compose yourself, you can drink water and ear light food. After waiting for a couple of hours, you can leave the hospital to go home.

In case of blood type incompatibility (when your blood type is Rh(-) and your partner’s blood type Rh(+)) you are given shot that is named as “incompatibility shot” is given at this stage or before you regain consciousness. This shot must be given within 72 hours after the operation at the latest. Here, the purpose is to ensure that your subsequent pregnancies are not affected by blood type incompatibility.


4. Points That You Must Pay Attention to At Home After Cyprus Abortion:

Patient generally can resume normal activities within 1-2 days. They can even do anything other than difficult tasks within the first 24 hours.

  • Patient must take antibiotics periodically.
  • Patient may suffer from pain that may require her to take pain killers within the first 24 hours.
  • Light bleeding and pelvic pain may occur. Sometimes it may last up to 2 weeks.
  • Patient should not have sex and apply vaginal douching for 2 weeks.
  • Patient should not use tampons until the following menstrual period.


What Type of Anesthesia is Used in Cyprus Abortion Procedure?

For abortion procedure, mostly general anesthesia sedation is used, which is very easy to wake up from. After the operation, you would feel well enough to go home within 1 hour. Patient does not feel pain during the procedure.


When is the Best Time for Abortion Procedure?

Abortion procedure cannot be performed unless gestational sac is seen and reaches a certain size during pregnancy. If you see a doctor especially before week 5.5 of pregnancy, you may be asked to wait until pregnancy gets mature a little bit more. The main reason for that is because cervix has quite a rigid structure when the woman is not pregnant and it softens as pregnancy progresses. Rigid cervix would require use of metal tools and that would increase the risk of the procedure. Moreover; in case of abortion procedure performed in very early pregnancy, there is a risk that pregnancy may continue and patient may need to get another abortion in the following days.


Would Abortion Cause Infertility?

One of the complications that may occur after abortion is Asherman’s syndrome, that is intrauterine adhesion. As pregnancy is ended through vacuum now, Asherman’s syndrome occurs very rarely. Endometrial thickness can be easily observed within the second week after abortion. If there is endometrial thickness, that is growth, risk of Asherman’s syndrome is eliminated. The day of operation is regarded as the first day of menstrual period and accordingly, if bleeding starts on the expected day of menstrual period, it is an indication that there is not any problem. As of such date, it is still possible that you may get pregnant.

Today, abortion that is performed by a Gynecologist and Obstetrician by use of a new technique and under suitable conditions is accepted as an intervention with very small risk. Pregnancies that occur after an abortion is not expected to be affected. As the number of procedures increases and especially after the first three procedures, both the probability of conception and course of pregnancy may be affected adversely. It means that it may cause infertility.


Would it Be Obvious Later On That I Had an Abortion?

After some time passes after abortion, it is not possible to understand that you had abortion through gynecological examination and ultrasound.


Is Abortion Required After Miscarriage?

Approximately half of miscarriages do not require abortion. These are called complete miscarriages. Complete miscarriage has taken place when all the pregnancy tissue has left your uterus. But if tissue from the pregnancy still remains in the uterus, that is incomplete miscarriage, abortion is required. One may wait for complete miscarriage in case of incomplete miscarriage but patient must be monitored very carefully as there is risk of bleeding and infection. As this process would take long time, it would be better to perform D&C.


What Are the Unsafe Conditions for Abortion?

Under following conditions, your doctor must first take precautions as required and then perform abortion procedure.

  • Pelvic infection
  • Patients with coagulation problems
  • Patients with serious diseases (heart, lung, allergy to anesthesia and others)


What are The Other Reasons for Curettage other than Ending Pregnancy?

  • Endometrial hyperplasia (abnormal thickening)
  • Cervix pathologies
  • Abnormal bleeding
  • Polyps and myoma
  • Bleeding after menopause
  • Suspected endometrial cancer
  • Removal of foreign substance